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Fc2mt.xsl TITLE: AUTHOR: DATE: CATEGORY: ----- BODY: ----- EXTENDED BODY: -------- 今回はJavaのXT,Xercesを使って以下のように変換。 java -classpath.;xt.jar;xerces.jar -Dcom.jclark.xsl.sax.parser=org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser com.jclark.xsl.sax.Driver log.xml fc2mt.xsl result.txt これでresult.txtができるのですが、BODYとEXTENDED BODYタグが入ってしまっているので置換で消して、いざMovableType(MT-3.121-full-jaの、UTF-8)にインポート! キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!! 全部下書きで入った。インポート時の設定で回避すればよかった、、。 とりあえずlog自己保存はlog.xmlの時点が一番便利かと。 TODO: コメントもとっとく? トラバもとっとく?.
Through valleys and over hills Went the division forward To capture in battle The stronghold of the. The banners were filled By the red of the last wounds Went the intrepid squadrons Of the partisans. The fame of those days will never cease Will never dim The partisan troops Captured cities. And will remain as legends Like sparkling fires The storming nights of The days of.
[We] defeated the atamans Dispersed the And on the Pacific Ocean Had ended our campaign. Serbo-Croatian lyrics [ ] English translation.
Through the woods and hills Of our proud country March the companies of Partisans Spreading the glory of struggle! I'm a Partisan; of that I am proud. Not everyone can be that, To die for freedom Only a giant-hero can! Let the cursed foe know A bloody war is waged We will rather die Than give our land! We will punish the traitors And free all our people, We will tell the entire world That a bitter fight is fought! Black hordes don’t scare us Heroic blood boils in our veins We don’t allow our lands To be trampled by Fascists!
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