Fn Browning Model 1910 Serial Numbers

Fn Browning Model 1910 Serial Numbers 4,3/5 6291 votes

Nov 14, 2017 - FnBrowningModel1910SerialNumbers Fn Browning Model 1910 Serial Numbers Cornell Publications LLC Old gun catalog reprints in current.

Bob, Dating the old FN pistols isn't a science because their records didn't make it through the wars. Yours has the Serif font with the lower case 'de' on the slide legend. This fits with model 1910's made predominantly between 1925-1929. Yours appears to be in great shape. For whatever reason, there is not really any collector interest in Browning's Belgium pistols (at least not like his Colt's). Based on the parts of the gun I can see in your picture, I would estimate the value to be around $250, maybe a little more.


Category. If you are interested in selling, let me know.I may know someone in the market.