Objectdock Stack Docklet
I've found the answer myself. What I was looking for was exactly called 'Stack Docklet'. There is a version for both ObjectDock and RocketDock. Alat musik band. Dec 13, 2008 Tutorial on getting the stack docklet feature on leopard for windows object dock once in a blue moon the stack docklets fail but usually they're pretty cool.
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I can't make it work. I've extracted the file then put it inside the docklets folder. Then what do I do next?
Now I have this path: C: Program Files Stardock ObjectDock Docklets StackDocklet StackDocklet is the folder name of the files I got from the zip file which are: - shortcuts_patch - StackDocklet folder w/ two files inside it: 1. StackDocklet.dll Ive added the shortcuts_patch to the registry. Now i seem lost and dont know what to do. A lil help here? Will really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.