Install Band Expander Mazda Atenza
Feb 4, 2011 - Has it not got the Bose setup in it? Is there any way you can make a Mazda Atenza 2003 in car Nav System operable. I live in New. Doesn't even have a band expander yet for the FM radio And has jap LCD. Install Band Expander Mazda Atenza. 2/4/2018 0 Comments Inside and out The Mark X has a distinctive look. A prominent crease flows all the way from the nose to the.
I will do my best to make this simple and straight forward. I am hosting the pics for now on my CarDomain site. If there is a better way to get pics in these threads please let me know. First thing you want to do is unscrew your shiftnob. No need for a pic here, just turn it lefty loosey til it comes off. Next thing you want to do is take the cup holder out. All you have to do is open it, stick your hand in with your thumb on the outside and squeeze like the pic below.
It will pop right out. *Please note here, there is a tab at the top right of the cupholder connecting to the console around the shifter. I broke this, so I don't know how to safely remove that but beware. I am no worse for wear without it though. Remove your ashtray and set it aside Next lift up on the shifter console carefully as there are 2 wires connected behind the ashtray area.
Note the broken tab at the bottom right. The large plug is easy to squeeze and remove but the little light plug is annoying. I used a small flat head to press the tab and release it. Not much slack there either. Also see in this picture those 2 black square plastic things at the end of the shifter cables. We'll be fighting with those later. Here is the exposed shifter.
Note at the bottom right in the plastic the empty hole where a screw should have been from Mazda holding the side of my center console in place. They must have implemented some cost savings. Next we're going to disconnect the left of the 2 cables you see in the picture above from the shifter arm by using a 10mm socket. Also slide the cable on the right off to the left (reverse that on a 6i/4 cylinder) and remove the two philips screws holding the sides of the console on (if you have 2, like I pointed out above I only had 1 on the left). Here they both are disconnected.
Next I have a theory. They tell you here to remove the 4 large nuts you see connecting the whole white plastic shifter assembly to the car (use a 12mm socket AND and extender). This will loosen the whole thing but the shifter cables are still attached via those previously mentioned black square clips. After that they tell you to use a flat head to press on the bottom of the square shifter cable clips and pry upwards to remove them from the shifter base.
I broke one of these by following the directions (small plastic tab at the bottom snapped off). Costmetic damage essentially and had no effect on my install but still. I think you could likely remove the shifter cables BEFORE removing the 4 12mm nuts and it might go easier. Maybe not, take these 2 steps in the order you prefer. See pics below.
Here is the assembly fully removed from the car. Now it get's greasy. Have some shop towels around to handle the mess. The next thing you need to do is remove the 4 metal and rubber bushings that the bolts went through. I used my 10mm socket to push out the metal and then just grab the rubber and pull it out. Now for the cutting, WORST part of the install. First if you look at any of the pictures of the assebly above you will see that there is a brass colored bolt that runs perpendicular in front of the shifter stick itself.
This holds the plastic retainer that the stick runs through to the main plastic assembly. You have to reuse this bolt so they make you cut the push nut on the right side of the bolt to allow you to remove it and free the stick to come out of the assembly.
Note you have a new push nut in your shifter kit for comparison and it's the side of the bolt that isn't a machined head. I don't know if this bolt is flipped for the 6i. Sorry no pic of the cutting, I was too busy working the Dremel and cursing. Compared to what's next this isn't that bad though. Now remember above when we used the 10mm socket to remove the left shifter cable from the stick? Fgds zaklyuchenie norma.
Notice how that bolt is attached to a metal plate that is welded to the stick? You get to cut that plate off the stick now. Cut it close to the stick because the purpose is for the stick to be able to slide out the bottom of that plastic retainer that is covered in grease and spinning around it at this point. I think it would have been easier to simply include a new plastic piece in the kit, but that's just me.