Download Free Mcintosh Mx151 Manual
How does it compare to the MX? Or do you feel it was a significant upgrade in sq? The MX-151 with RP has a really nice silky quality to the sound and nice bass as well. I like this processor a lot. I have a CBIV with one extreme (four channel) and one premium (four channel) dac. Even without Dirac (I will try it next month), it takes smoothness up a notch, without sacrificing dynamics and detail.
Manuals and User Guides for McIntosh MX151. We have 2 McIntosh MX151 manuals available for free PDF download: Owner's Manual, Connection Diagrams. Related Catalogues. Legendary Performance. If you have any problems opening files please read the download FAQ.All files are provided under strict licence.
Soundstage becomes more 3D. Bass is also improved - not just bottom end, but upper bass as well - it's better delineated overall. It's the best my system has sounded in an acoustically terrible room (great room with family room, dining, and kitchen). I was trying all sorts of processors, including the Arcam (AV888 and AVR600) and the Krell (S1200U 3D) - in fact, I've been following you and thrang through your processor journey as well.
Then I tried processors with EQ to improve the sound in my great room - an Emotiva XMC-1 with Dirac, a TUC upgraded Onkyo 5508 w/Audyssey, and the MX-151 with RP. I had increasingly better sound with each processor I tried, and I thought the MX-151 was near the pinnacle of that sound. I thought that EQ was an absolute necessity for my terrible room. However, the Theta CBIV sounds so good on its own, I haven't been in a hurry to try Dirac. It's shown me that EQ is not the only thing that helps in my room - perhaps the sonics of the processor can make a huge difference as well. In my case, it definitely has. The following is what I found out about the MX160.
The DAC's are essentially the same. Thus the audio is about the same. The Aux assignments for the MX160 are different than the MX151. Depending on the mix of Atmos and/or Auro speakers, the Aux outputs will automatically be assigned to these. If there are free Aux outputs, there are options for Stereo subs in the front (Bi-Amped, with or without LFE), and options for stereo subs in the rear.

After assigning, the on-screen setup menu shows a pictorial of the jacks with each labeled for its function. Like Uderman I am also a bit confused about the above.
A clarification would be of great value since the number of channels that the Mx160 can offer is highly relevant for many of us. Hi guys, i recently pulled the trigger on a mx150 and i have several questions for those of you who know this unit very well: 1. Do any of you have a projector that is connected to the mx150/151 and has a long hdmi run? If so, do you have any handshake problems? I currently use redmere hdmi cables for all my sources and the mx150, but i get a black screen sometimes when i turn on my bluray player (uses a 3ft redmere hdmi) so i have to go to another source and return back to the bluray input and i finally get an image. Is this normal?
Are there any other Hdmi cables that are better for this unit? Is there a way to make the remote control not so sensitive to the touch? Is there a setting in the unit? I will be running room eq today and would like some pointers.
I spoke to Chuck and all he said was for me to not point the microphone to the speakers directly. I also watched the video on youtube. I just wanted to see what others have done here successfully to improve the results of room eq. I was told this unit has the software update to make it 1.4. Does anyone know what is the software # that it should have so i can check it? Thanks again guys.
I really look forward to your responses! Hi guys, i recently pulled the trigger on a mx150 and i have several questions for those of you who know this unit very well: 1. Do any of you have a projector that is connected to the mx150/151 and has a long hdmi run? If so, do you have any handshake problems? I currently use redmere hdmi cables for all my sources and the mx150, but i get a black screen sometimes when i turn on my bluray player (uses a 3ft redmere hdmi) so i have to go to another source and return back to the bluray input and i finally get an image.
Is this normal? Are there any other Hdmi cables that are better for this unit? Is there a way to make the remote control not so sensitive to the touch? Is there a setting in the unit? I will be running room eq today and would like some pointers. I spoke to Chuck and all he said was for me to not point the microphone to the speakers directly. I also watched the video on youtube.