Adobe Muse Widgets Library Download
How to Use: Once you are ready to use the widget, Drag and drop it from the library panel to your desired location on the page. This widget can be used as a trigger in most of the composition widgets in Adobe Muse. After placing the widget open its options panel by clicking on the blue circle at the right side top of it. This is how the option panel looks. Hamburger Slice Formatting: In this section of the widget you get the options to format the 3 slices of the hamburger. • Slice Length: Define the length (width ) of each slice. Default is set to 40 px.
• Slice Thickness: Define the thickness of each slice. Default is set to 4 Px. • Slice Color: Give the slices your desired color by opening the color panel. • Slice Corner Radius: Customize edges of the slices as per your need. Default is set to 4px. • Slice Gap: Adjust the distance between the slices.
By default difference it 10 px. Hamburger Container Formatting: In this section of the widget you get the options to format the container around the hamburger. • Container Around Hamburger: This is the padding around the Hamburger slices. If you select 10 px then it will add 10 px padding around the hamburger. • Container Color: Define the background color of the container as per your need. • Corner Radius: Set this to define how the corners of container looks. Transition Settings: • Opacity On Hover: Define the Opacity value here when someone hover over the widget.
Set 0.1 for 10% opacity and 1 for 100% opacity. • Hover Transition: Select any of the 26 transitions. This defines the animation from 3 slices to X symbol. If you still have any doubt then feel free to leave a comment or send us an email on.
Welcome to MuseFree, the web's largest Muse resource for quality Adobe Muse templates. Over 400 Muse themes, widgets and training videos are just a click away from you. We created MuseFree with a single purpose, and that is to offer the best, highest standard Adobe Muse templates on the market. Library Widgets. A collection of entirely free design resources for Adobe Muse such as Library Widgets, Icons, Colors, Buttons, and Tutorial Resources.
Adobe Muse allows you to download and reuse design elements (templates, widgets, and more) from Adobe Add-ons. Items you download from Adobe Add-ons can be managed using the Library panel within Adobe Muse (for more information, see ). Previously, design elements and other utilities were hosted on Adobe Muse Exchange. However, these design elements have now been migrated to Adobe Add-ons, the new online marketplace for Creative Cloud applications, and to its end, Adobe Muse is tightly integrated with Creative Cloud.