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• Stefan Simi Odjeci ljudskog 20141014 Stefan Simi - Odjeci ljudskoga.indd 120141014 Stefan Simi - Odjeci ljudskoga.indd 1.11.2014 00:25:51Prozessfarbe CyanProzessfarbe CyanProzessfarbe MagentaProzessfarbe MagentaProzessfarbe GelbProzessfarbe GelbProzessfarbe SchwarzProzessfarbe Schwarz • Stefan Simi ODJECI LJUDSKOG Autorsko izdanjeRecezenti: Zlata uni, Boidar Mandi Dizajn korica: Petar BojoviFotografi je: Milena Koraevi, Radomir Kujundi, Zoran Zetovi Lektor: eljka Jankovi, Katarina OljaaKorektor: Svetlana Fuci Tehniki urednik: Almir Ami Kurtovi ISBN 97-0-4 2014 Sva prava zadrana. Delo posveujem svojim roditeljima. Cisdem data recovery keygen.
20141014 Stefan Simi - Odjeci ljudskoga.indd 2-320141014 Stefan Simi - Odjeci ljudskoga.indd 2-3.11.2014 00:26:01Prozessfarbe CyanProzessfarbe CyanProzessfarbe MagentaProzessfarbe MagentaProzessfarbe GelbProzessfarbe GelbProzessfarbe SchwarzProzessfarbe Schwarz • 4 5 Sadraj L E P O T A 9To neto to ima samo ti 9ovek tvoje mladosti 12Cvet na betonu 16Deca slobode 20Veeras bih nekome da budem drag 24Bogatstvo ljudskog susreta 26Divne neprimetne stvari 30Sve sam to ja. 33Jednom e znati 35Glad za ivotom 37 S L O B O D A 40Pas koji se usudio da bude slobodan 40Traganje za sobom 44Mala nemoj da bude niije meso 49Da se skupe 52Kada me pritisnu samoe 53Da umem 56Nemam oseaj da sam neto propustio 58U koli se ne prouava 59Revolt zgaenog oveka 62Ljubavna igra slobode 65 P R A V D A 68Preci i potomci 68 Da se zna ko je gazda 71Pria o jednoj izgubljenoj zemlji 76Moja biografi ja 81I one diu 83Sebe, sebe, sebe.
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The author of the article puts forward arguments for basing state anti-crime policy on criminological findings. To the author's opinion, this is the key to success of the Russian federal security service and the fight against terrorism and terrorism financing. The author describes special feautures of the influence of the external factor on terroristic crime and focuses on the problems of detecting the sources and channels of terrorism financing based on the results of criminological researches. Keywords: terrorism, federation, coordination, investigation, detection, fight, supervision, financing, criminology (criminal science), security Article was received: Review date: Publish date: 1-12-2012 This article written in Russian. You can find full text of article in Russian.